nostA Tool, currently working -> Merging AI, technology, and ancient wisdom for spiritual growth and connection.

nostA Tool
Crypto projects

1# NOSTA meme
Nosta will be the first meme project of nostA Tool and it's creator FaijaAkaiSC.
Faija will be creating, NFT:s for this project.
By owning 420 of these meme tokens, you can start claiming free memes on
First 10 drops will be BuddHeads from BuddFriends -Collection, check it out:
There will be limit of 420, of every BuddHead NFTs generated, to this. They can be burned.
This is the start plan for this meme token, and plan evolves as crypto space evolves. You will be investing also to FaijaAkaiSC as an NFT artist. Faija is also known as Shaman in his country Finland, and he practices his craft as ancient Finnish shamanistic traditions and shares this knowldege in Finnish.
We will enjoy as community all the NFT creations and we will have votes what kind of NFT:s Faija would be releasing to the platform in our Telegram/discord group.
follow me on
When you Register to use Ref: SUGAR050, to get 20gems to start your journey.
This will be first shamanistic MEME that there have been in the blockchain space.
If you are a shaman
NOSTA is your meme token on solana blockchain.

2# nostA Tool meme
Second phase, we will be creating nostA Tool meme token, that will be the fuel to the Ai blockchain that will be build with the knowledge from ancient spirits.
Old texts and information from previous ancient cultures, will be verified on the Ai, and you can talk with the Ai and make predictions of current world events.

3# Upcoming NFT-projects
This is only the beginning.
nostA Tool will be evolving as crypto space is evolving. This is community that evolves in the fast moving crypto...but we will be doing that in chill breeze.
Bringing 420 chilling mentality to the blockchain to give slower and easier pace, for all people that are willing in evolving crypto.
We will be sharing knowledge and trying new different things together as community.
We do not endorce pump/dump coins or that kind of attidute. We do not hype ''shitcoins'', we give mostly everything for free.
We will not predict or speculate movements of our tokens or NFT:s

Upcoming in
The Future:
-> nostA tool Ai agents <-